something on life

recently I saw a new movie 'gods must be crazy' . it is about, well nothing in particular. it's really hard to tell it's story & yet it reveals the limit of our understanding.
in our daily routine we do many things. we follow various customs & practices, some from our culture, some from our profession.but most of the times we follow them rather mechanically. getting my point? let me elaborate.when we say, for example, 'good morning' to anyone, most probably we say it as a habit. or in worst case just to impress others. I don't think many of us really, wholeheartedly wish a 'good morning' to anyone. & it's not simple to do so. we have so many things running in our head, that we seldom pay attention to what we are doing.
It's like we are running blindfolded. we think that we are going in right direction & we take necessary steps to avoid collision with any obstacle. in fact our situation is not so different from a gamer stuck in some virtual game. at times we hear voices which we know are not from the game.and they are really tempting. but we don't go after them. we convince ourselves that these are distractions & we need to achieve our mission in the game.
in the movie, there is one tribal villager whose children accidentally boarded on a hunter's truck. he's running in search of them following the track of the truck & yet in the way he helps all the people that he meets. & that too when he knows none of them. in fact he is not able to talk with anyone of them & yet he understands that they need help & readily provides it.
I know this might sound like a fairy tell with a hero on completion of one mission & helping everyone on the way.... but it's not exactly like that. his journey tells us to dwell at every moment of life. it tells us that it is not the goal but the journey towards it is what enriches us.